Removes what is selected. Dim because there is nothing selected that can be removed. Removes what is selected. Opens the Directory window so that you can view the mail directory or drag items from it. Lets you search your mail for all messages or addresses that satisfy your specified criteria. Opens the first unread message in your inbox. Opens a new message window so that you can create a message. Dimmed because this is a new message. Stores this message in a cc:Mail folder or archive file. Lets you forward this message to other recipients. Lets you prepare a reply to this message. The reply will be addressed to the sender and to all other addressees of the original message. Lets you prepare a reply to this message or messages. The reply will be addressed to the sender. Dimmed because you have not selected any messages or opened a message window. Lets you attach a disk file, or a text, PICT, or sound item to this message. Dimmed because no message window is open. Lets you address this message. Dimmed because no message window is open, or because this is a new message. Sends this message. Deletes a message. Dimmed because there is no current message selected. Deletes this message. Replaces a received message with the one below it in your message list. Dimmed because there is no received message open, because the open message is the last one, or because there is not enough memory. Replaces the message in this window with the one below it in your message list. Replaces a received message with the one above it in your message list. Dimmed because there is no received message open, because the open message is the first one, or because there is not enough memory. Replaces the message in this window with the one above it in your message list.